
Round 1

Round 2

Dark Mode


This is a project aimed towards providing more information and assistance to students in the UK studying for the British Informatics Olympiad. Here you can find many editorials and solutions to old problems from both rounds. The set of problems covered by this site is far from complete, but more problems will be added over time.


If you want to contribute, message Boris on discord by clicking the discord icon by his name.


Boris Hall

  • Manager
  • Developer
  • Contributor

Alex Pylypenko

  • Manager
  • Contributor


Vladimir Filip

  • Developer
  • Contributor

Adwaya Gupta

  • Developer
  • Contributor

Yuvan Raja

  • Developer
  • Contributor


Alexander Hopkins

  • Contributor

Shubham Kumar

  • Contributor

Duy Nguyen

  • Contributor

Seyoon Park

  • Contributor

Anango Prabhat

  • Contributor

Daria Sanina

  • Contributor

Samuel Trajtenberg

  • Contributor

Julia Volovich

  • Contributor